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A repository made for an opensource hardware and software for ICU Ventilator
C++ Python C
Branch: master
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Video Overview:

This project is opensource and there are no guarantees given that this device will perform the actions that it's needed to be. Please use it with care and under the surveilance of professionals.

Project Structure:

Inside 3DModels folder you have the solidworks 2019 and STL files Inside programming you will have the programming code used to control the device. We started with Arduino Nano, stepper Driver and nema 23 motor.

You have the schematics of the circuit attached as well.

Parts used that must be purchased:

Mechanics: 4 x 8mm round bearings from 3d printer 2 x 8mm rods 1 x Nema 34 Motor // Updated from nema 23, will update the design soon. 1 x 3d printer belt (approx 1m) 2 x 3d printer gears compatible with the belt 1 x Ambubag, preferable with PEEP valve and safety valve

Electronics: 1 x Arduino Nano 1 x Driver TB6600 1 x Encoder like this : 1 x DC to DC 24V to 5V like this : 1 x 24 V Power supply 1 x EndStop switch 1 x LCD :

Connection pins -

Connection wires

Some info about how I built it:

I 3D printed parts and cut at the CNC the larger ones. Here's a video with the machine functional

All the best!

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