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GitHub Extension for Visual Studio
C# C C++
Branch: master
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Latest commit


Type Name Latest commit message Commit time
Failed to load latest commit information.
.github Only sign master branch builds Mar 28, 2020
.ncrunch Fix intermittent failure with libgit2sharp. Oct 18, 2018
docs Fixed typo May 4, 2019
lib Add close glyph to GitHub dialogs May 17, 2019
src Only fetch IssueComment and PullRequestCommit items Mar 18, 2020
submodules Update to latest Mar 10, 2020
test Check GitHub and GitHub Enterprise log-in options available Mar 17, 2020
.editorconfig Add new line Oct 30, 2018
.gitattributes Let's get this party started! Dec 12, 2014
.gitignore Merge branch 'master' into patch-2 Apr 16, 2019
.gitmodules Remove the private script submodule Oct 8, 2019 Add Code of Conduct Nov 18, 2018 Merge pull request #2063 from MrVitaly/code_of_conduct Nov 22, 2018
Directory.Build.Props Use Nerdbank.GitVersioning Oct 10, 2019
GitHubVS.sln Add link to GitHub Actiions workflow Mar 28, 2020
GitHubVS.v3.ncrunchsolution Allow parallel test execution in ncrunch. Oct 18, 2018
Key.snk Include assembly key in repository Oct 8, 2019 Merge pull request #862 from Phineas/patch-1 Feb 16, 2017 Add GitHub Actions CI build status badge Mar 14, 2020
azure-pipelines.yml Cert Hash(sha1) from certificate.pfx Mar 28, 2020
build.cmd Add script to build extensions Nov 12, 2019
certificate.pfx Add encrypted DigiCert certificate Mar 28, 2020
clean.cmd Back at it again with the overengineering Dec 13, 2018
codecov.yml Excluding sqlite-net from codecov reports Oct 18, 2018
global.json Backtrack to using 1.6.61 and ExtrasEnableWpfProjectSetup Feb 1, 2019
nuget.config Setup azure pipelines without VSTest. Nov 29, 2018
vars.cmd Add script to build extensions Nov 12, 2019
version.json No need to disable cloud build numbers Oct 17, 2019

GitHub Extension for Visual Studio


The GitHub Extension for Visual Studio provides GitHub integration in Visual Studio 2015 and newer. Most of the extension UI lives in the Team Explorer pane, which is available from the View menu.

Official builds of this extension are available at the Visual Studio Marketplace.


Follow GitHub for Visual Studio Join the chat at


Visit the documentation for details on how to use the features in the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio.

Build requirements

  • Visual Studio 2019
    • .NET desktop development workload
    • .NET Core cross platform development workload
    • Visual Studio extension development workload

The built VSIX will work with Visual Studio 2015 or newer


Clone the repository and its submodules.

To be able to use the GitHub API, you'll need to:

  • Register a new developer application in your profile
  • Create an environment variable GitHubVS_ClientID with your Client ID
  • Create an environment variable GitHubVS_ClientSecret with your Client Secret

Execute build.cmd

Visual Studio Build

Build GitHubVS.sln using Visual Studio 2019.


Logs can be viewed at the following location:



If you have issues building with failures similar to:

"The type or namespace name does not exist..."


"Unable to find project... Check that the project reference is valid and that the project file exists."*

Close Visual Studio and run the following command to update submodules and clean your environment.


More information

  • Andreia Gaita's presentation at Codemania 2016 about this extension.


Visit the Contributor Guidelines for details on how to contribute as well as the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct for details on how to participate.


Copyright 2015 - 2019 GitHub, Inc.

Licensed under the MIT License

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