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🚲 Contribute to the open source community every Friday
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Branch: master
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Latest commit

MikeMcQuaid Merge pull request #641 from github/pl-not-en
config/locales/pl: fix key name.
Latest commit 2c9d9a1 Mar 30, 2020


Type Name Latest commit message Commit time
Failed to load latest commit information.
.github/workflows Fix NodeJS module versions Dec 27, 2019
app Fix application for RubyGems updates. Dec 27, 2019
bin NPM is not needed to bootstrap May 29, 2017
config config/locales/pl: fix key name. Mar 30, 2020
db Internationalise application Aug 10, 2017
lib Init rails app Jan 2, 2017
log Init rails app Jan 2, 2017
node_modules Fix NodeJS module versions Dec 27, 2019
public Removed background of favicon Oct 20, 2017
script Use GitHub Actions Dec 27, 2019
test Fix application for RubyGems updates. Dec 27, 2019
tmp Init rails app Jan 2, 2017
vendor/assets Init rails app Jan 2, 2017
.codecov.yml codecov: try again to disable comments. Sep 12, 2018
.gitignore Fix NodeJS module versions Dec 27, 2019
.node-version Use GitHub Actions Dec 27, 2019
.rubocop.yml Fix application for RubyGems updates. Dec 27, 2019
.ruby-version ruby-version: use Ruby 2.7.0. Mar 30, 2020
Brewfile Enable Rubocop May 29, 2017 Create Dec 30, 2016 fix: locales directory location Jul 26, 2019
Gemfile Update all RubyGems Dec 27, 2019
Gemfile.lock Merge pull request #639 from github/dependabot/bundler/devise-i18n-1.9.1 Mar 30, 2020
LICENSE.txt Update documentation Mar 10, 2017 Minor fix on #60 Oct 20, 2018
Rakefile Enable Rubocop May 29, 2017 Enable Rubocop May 29, 2017
package-lock.json Fix NodeJS module versions Dec 27, 2019
package.json Fix NodeJS module versions Dec 27, 2019

Open Source Friday

Open source is made by people just like you. This Friday, invest a few hours contributing to the software you use and love.

What is this?

This repository is the source code for

Open Source Friday is a movement to encourage people, companies, and maintainers to contribute a few hours to open source software every Friday.

Open Source Software (OSS) is the backbone of most software, tools, apps, electronics and more that we use every day. Not only is Open Source Friday about encouraging people to contribute, but it's about encouraging businesses to give back to the software they use by setting aside time for our colleagues to work on OSS on the clock.

By signing up to the website, you can view and share your and your friends' Friday contributions. You'll also find a number of guides on getting started with open source and being a good maintainer.

What this isn't

We are not a place where you're going to get free t-shirts or other kinds of gifts for your contributions. This tends to bring out bad behaviour like PRs that change a single line of whitespace, which waste maintainers time and energy, the rewards should be less tangible.



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GitHub Pull Request



Source hosted at GitHub. Report issues/feature requests on GitHub Issues.

Getting Started

Register a new GitHub OAuth application.

  • Set the homepage to http://localhost:3000.
  • Set the authorization callback URL to http://localhost:3000/users/auth/github/callback.

Create the config file for the client ID and secret generated for your GitHub OAuth application:

cp config/application.example.yml config/application.yml

Update config/application.yml, setting the github_client_id and github_client_secret.

The environment variables are managed using figaro.

Bootstrapping the Application

If you're on macOS, have Homebrew installed, and you've set the environment variables above to get started run:


This should get you started with this project on your machine. Otherwise, no worries! You can use the following instructions to install all dependencies and setup a local server.

First, you'll need to install Ruby. We recommend using the excellent rbenv, and ruby-build

rbenv install

Next, you'll need to make sure that you have PostgreSQL installed. On Debian-based Linux distributions you can use apt-get to install Postgres:

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev

On Windows, you can use the Chocolatey package manager to install Postgres:

choco install postgresql

Now, let's install the gems from the Gemfile ("Gems" are synonymous with libraries in other languages).

gem install bundler && rbenv rehash
bundle install

Once all the gems are installed, we'll need to create the databases and tables. Rails makes this easy.


Now all we have to do is start up the Rails server and point our browser to http://localhost:3000


Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Clone your fork to your machine.
  • Create a new branch for your feature/fix.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so we don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Submit a pull request.

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


Copyright (c) Open Source Friday contributors. See LICENSE for details.

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